Thursday, April 14, 2011

Doctors: Regulatory burden crowds out health care reform

In a letter to Donald Berwick, MD, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the American Medical Association lists the regulations that have been and continue to be most burdensome to physicians.

I will let the letter speak for itself (emphasis exactly as in original). Note that ACA = Affordable Care Act, the major healthcare reform bill enacted into law in 2010.

The human and technological investments needed to participate in quality incentives are competing for physician time and resources needed to move to an enormous new set of diagnosis codes in ICD-10. The struggle to keep up leaves little time to get engaged in the practice redesign and payment and delivery reforms envisioned in the ACA and detracts from patient care just as the ACA is promising access to millions of uninsured Americans. We strongly urge the Administration and CMS to carefully consider the impact the collision of these compliance deadlines will have on physicians, patients and the ACA’s promise of better care for more people.

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